Student Welfare Activities

The welfare of our children is our main concern and their best interests are our first priority. – Eddie Murphy
Student Welfare Activities
Welfare of students is a major part of the curriculum which helps in building the overall personality of our students, which we strive to achieve in this Institution. It broadly covers their physical, mental, social, cultural and spiritual well being. The well being of students can be achieved by the following activities:-
Recreational & Sports activities like dancing, badminton, volley-ball, picnics etc.
Student health services like wellness coaching, nutrition, meeting dietician, immunization, monthly health check-ups, screening of students etc.
Voluntary Activities like participation in Polio eradication drives, Vaccination Camps, workshops organized by social cause based NGO’s, community garden, charitable clinics, school healthcare etc.
Counseling services like career counseling, interpersonal violence support, psychiatric services and community support meetings etc.
Cultural & Religious activities like celebration of various religious days like Gurpurb, Teej, Diwali, Basant Panchami, Eid ul fitr, International Nurses day, X-mas etc.
Student nurses activities like group activities (role playing, simulations, symposium), seminars, workshops, presentations, micro-teachings etc.
Educational tours like spreading awareness of government vaccination programmes in the state of Punjab, field trips like Science City, Milk Plant- VERKA, Old Age Homes, visit to Chandigarh and Nangal Dam etc.
Environmental activities like plantation drive in neighboring villages, spreading awareness of pollution which impacts the health and well being of their patients in their clinical duties, participation in Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, practicing and teaching of reducing waste/trash and adopting recycling methods etc.
Suggestions and Feedback activities e.g. suggestion boxes have been installed in the administrative as well as hostel building, so that the nursing student can give any suggestion/complaint in order to ensure more smooth functioning of the institution as we believe in two way communication practices.